About The Coach Harwood Scholarships


  • To promote and support the Oxnard High track and Cross Country Teams
  • To provide scholarships for the athletes on the Oxnard Cross Country and Track Teams


  • Member in good standing of the Oxnard High Track Team
  • Graduate of or on track to graduate Oxnard High School
  • Accepted at an institution of higher learning – Community College, 4 year institution, trade school, technology program, etc.


  • Amount to be determined each year based on funds available.
  • Applications submitted to:  Miguel Campos, Coach via website.
  • Funds are paid directly to the student to be used as needed.


Coach Harwood Fund
Jerry Harwood Invitational track meet
Tax Guidelines:   501c3   85-1538458

Copyright © 2023 Coach Harwood Scholarships. All rights reserved.